A Rug Weavers’ Tools….
The tool that is used in rug weaving is called ‘gollab’. This is a hooked knife which the weaver uses to hook the yarns at the rear of the warps and then pulling them to the front of the rug. The knot is then tied, and with the knife’s flick, the yarn is cut. When a number of rows of knots have been made they are consolidated by the weaver using a combo beater. This is a wood or metal tool used in weaving. After weaving a strip of about one inch in width weavers use a pair of scissors to trim the nap to almost the final height. The handle of these scissors is bent to allow the blades to cut in line with the rugs face. Most of the tools used by the weavers are locally made. These tools can always be taken back to the weavers whenever these tools need to be repaired, or to be sharpened.